Church Corner Mall in Christchurch, Canterbury (8041, New Zealand)
Opening hours, location, phone, store list

Church Corner Mall located in Christchurch (near by Upper Riccarton) Canterbury, CAN 8041. Church Corner Mall offers more than 8 stores and services such as cinemas, restaurants. Get information about opening hours, parking, store list directions with map and gps. Church Corner Mall is located on address 378 Riccarton Road, Christchurch near by Upper Riccarton, Canterbury, 8041

Church Corner Mall rating:
4/5 (80 %), 1 vote
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What is the address of Church Corner Mall?: 378 Riccarton Road, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 8041, New Zealand (map)
GPS coordinates: -43.53090421178, 172.57196595884
Church Corner Mall location: Christchurch, Canterbury
How many stores are in Church Corner Mall?: 8 »  Go to the store list
Phone number: Not available
Website: Not available
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Content posted/updated by Emily Chen on 07/21/2023. Improve this listing, suggest edits for Church Corner Mall.

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  • How many stores are located in Church Corner Mall? It has more than 8 stores.
  • Write short review about Church Corner Mall and insert your shopping rating.

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List of stores - Church Corner Mall

Church Corner Mall shopping hours are not available.

Church Corner Mall location and map

Shopping information, events, extended hours - Church Corner Mall

Store hours may vary.

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