List of Tasman malls, shopping centres, outlets - opening hours, map, contacts

Browse shopping centre in Tasman, New Zealand near you - 1 centres with 73 stores

If you are looking for a shopping destination that offers a variety of options, from malls and outlets to markets and galleries, then you should consider visiting the Tasman Region in New Zealand. The Tasman Region is located at the northwestern tip of the South Island, and it is known for its stunning natural scenery, rich cultural heritage, and diverse local products. Whether you are looking for fashion, art, crafts, food, or wine, you will find something to suit your taste and budget in the Tasman Region.

Are you planning to shop in the malls in the Tasman region, New Zealand? Here you can find a list of all shopping malls, centres and outlets in Tasman and you can search for the shopping malls near your location. Use the Tasman shopping center locator or view a map with shopping centers located in Tasman. We collect business information such as parking availability, hours of operation, list of stores in the mall, directions to the mall, phone and contact information.

i: Statistics of malls located in Tasman region:

  • How many malls and shopping centers are in region Tasman? In our database, we have over 1 Tasman mall records.
  • NHow many stores, services, cinemas and restaurants are in Tasman malls? There are more than 73 stores and services.
  • What is the biggest shopping centre or mall located in Tasman? The biggest shopping mall or centre in Tasman is Richmond Mall

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One of the most popular shopping venues in the Tasman Region is the Nelson Saturday Market, which is held every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm in Montgomery Square. This market is a showcase of the creativity and talent of the local community, featuring over 200 stalls selling handmade goods, fresh produce, ethnic cuisine, and more. You can find everything from pottery and jewelry to clothing and accessories, as well as enjoy live music and entertainment. The Nelson Saturday Market is a great place to experience the vibrant culture and atmosphere of the region.

Another option for shopping in the Tasman Region is to visit one of the many art galleries that display and sell the works of local and national artists. The region has a strong artistic tradition, and you can admire and purchase paintings, sculptures, ceramics, glassware, woodwork, and more. Some of the galleries that you can check out are Rare Creations Interactive Wooden Art Gallery, Michael Macmillan Sculptor and Country Homeware, Wall To Wall Art Nelson, South Street Gallery and Korimako Studio. These galleries offer a range of styles and prices, and you can also meet the artists and learn about their inspirations and techniques.

If you are looking for more conventional shopping options, such as malls and outlets, you can also find them in the Tasman Region. One of the largest shopping centers in the region is Richmond Mall, which is located in Richmond, about 15 minutes drive from Nelson. Richmond Mall has 73 stores, including major brands like Farmers, Kmart, The Warehouse, and Countdown. You can also find a food court, a cinema, and a playground for children. Richmond Mall is open seven days a week. Another place where you can find bargains and discounts is Dust & Rust, an antique store that sells vintage items, collectibles, furniture, books, records, and more. Dust & Rust is located in Motueka, about 40 minutes drive from Nelson. It is open from 10 am to 4 pm on weekdays, and from 10 am to 2 pm on weekends. Dust & Rust is a treasure trove for anyone who loves retro and quirky things. Finally, if you are looking for a unique shopping experience that combines nature and culture, you should visit Flaxmore Vineyards, an award-winning winery that also features an art gallery. Flaxmore Vineyards is situated on a hilltop overlooking the Tasman Bay and the Kahurangi National Park. You can taste and buy their wines, which are made from organic grapes grown on site. You can also admire and buy their artworks, which are created by local artists using natural materials such as flax, clay, stone, and wood. Flaxmore Vineyards is open by appointment only.

These are just some of the shopping options that you can find in the Tasman Region of New Zealand. Whether you are looking for something unique or something familiar, something cheap or something luxurious, something artistic or something practical, you will not be disappointed by the variety and quality of the products that this region has to offer. Shopping in the Tasman Region is not only a way to buy things that you need or want but also a way to discover and appreciate the beauty and diversity of this amazing place.

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