List of Wellington malls, shopping centres, outlets - opening hours, map, contacts

Browse shopping centre in Wellington, New Zealand near you - 16 centres with 700 stores

If you are looking for a shopping destination that offers a variety of options, from high-end fashion to local crafts, from modern malls to quirky markets, then Wellington Region is the place for you. Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand and a cultural hub that attracts visitors from all over the world. Whether you are looking for a souvenir, a gift, or a treat for yourself, you will find something to suit your taste and budget in Wellington.

Are you planning to shop in the malls in the Wellington region, New Zealand? Here you can find a list of all shopping malls, centres and outlets in Wellington and you can search for the shopping malls near your location. Use the Wellington shopping center locator or view a map with shopping centers located in Wellington. We collect business information such as parking availability, hours of operation, list of stores in the mall, directions to the mall, phone and contact information.

i: Statistics of malls located in Wellington region:

  • How many malls and shopping centers are in region Wellington? In our database, we have over 16 Wellington mall records.
  • NHow many stores, services, cinemas and restaurants are in Wellington malls? There are more than 700 stores and services.
  • What is the biggest shopping centre or mall located in Wellington? The biggest shopping mall or centre in Wellington is Queensgate Shopping Centre

You might be interested in: New Zealand malls near me | New Zealand mall locator | New Zealand store locator | Malls and centers on map

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Top shopping malls in Wellington

Queensgate Shopping Centre: This mall is located in Lower Hutt and has 129 stores, including David Jones, Farmers, The Warehouse, Countdown. It also has a food court, a cinema and a car park.
North City Shopping Centre: This mall is located in Porirua and has 97 stores, including Kmart, Farmers, Pak’n Save, and more. It also has a food court, a cinema and a car park.
Coastlands Shopping Centre: This mall is located in Paraparaumu and has 108 stores, including The Warehouse, Countdown, New World and more.
Outlet City: This mall is located in Tawa and has 28 outlet stores, including Adidas, Bendon, Kathmandu, and more. It also has a cafe and a car park.

Popular shopping places located in Wellington

The Golden Mile

One of the most popular shopping areas in Wellington is the Golden Mile, which consists of four streets: Lambton Quay, Willis Street, Manners Street, and Courtenay Place. Here you will find some of the best shopping on offer in the capital, with high fashion and boutique stores lining the pedestrian-friendly paths. You can also visit David Jones, a department store with an abundance of local and international labels and Old Bank Arcade, an historic building that houses top Kiwi designers.

Cuba Street

If you are looking for a more eclectic and bohemian shopping experience, then Cuba Street is the place to go. This funky street is home to independent boutiques, vintage finds, and art galleries. You can also enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of cafes, bars, and restaurants that cater to every taste. Cuba Street is also famous for its bucket fountain, a quirky sculpture that splashes water from one bucket to another.

Wellington Markets

For a more authentic and local shopping experience, you can visit one of the many markets that Wellington has to offer. Here you can find New Zealand arts, crafts and artisan food products at a bargain price. Some of the top markets in Wellington are:

Wellington Night Market: Held off Cuba Street on Fridays, this market offers a variety of food stalls, live music and entertainment.
Hill St Farmers’ Market: Held at Thorndon on Saturday mornings, this market offers fresh produce, baked goods, cheese, meat and more.
Wellington Underground Market: Held at the Wellington waterfront on Saturday mornings, this market offers handmade crafts, jewellery, clothing and accessories.
Harbourside Market: Held by the iconic Te Papa museum on Sundays, this market offers fresh seafood, fruit, vegetables, flowers and more.

Wētā Cave

If you are a fan of movies and TV shows, then you should not miss the Wētā Cave, the shop front of the Academy Award-winning Wētā Workshop. Here you can see characters, props, and costumes from your favourite films, such as The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Avatar and more. You can also purchase a wide range of Wētā-related merchandise here.

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