List of Southland malls, shopping centres, outlets - opening hours, map, contacts

Browse shopping centre in Southland, New Zealand near you - 1 centres with 35 stores

Southland Region is a beautiful and diverse area in the south of New Zealand, with stunning natural attractions, rich history and culture, and friendly people. But did you know that Southland Region is also a great place for shopping? Whether you are looking for big brands or local products, modern malls or traditional markets, you will find something to suit your taste and budget in Southland Region.

Are you planning to shop in the malls in the Southland region, New Zealand? Here you can find a list of all shopping malls, centres and outlets in Southland and you can search for the shopping malls near your location. Use the Southland shopping center locator or view a map with shopping centers located in Southland. We collect business information such as parking availability, hours of operation, list of stores in the mall, directions to the mall, phone and contact information.

i: Statistics of malls located in Southland region:

  • How many malls and shopping centers are in region Southland? In our database, we have over 1 Southland mall records.
  • NHow many stores, services, cinemas and restaurants are in Southland malls? There are more than 35 stores and services.
  • What is the biggest shopping centre or mall located in Southland? The biggest shopping mall or centre in Southland is Invercargill Central Mall

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Southland Shopping Malls and Outlets

If you are looking for a convenient and comfortable shopping experience, you can visit one of the shopping malls in Southland Region. One of the most popular malls is Kmart, which is located in Invercargill. Kmart offers a wide range of products, from clothing and accessories to electronics and homeware, at affordable prices. You can also enjoy the food court, cinema, and free parking at Kmart. Another mall worth visiting is The Remarkable Sweetshop in Queenstown, which is not only a shop but also an attraction. The Remarkable Sweetshop sells a variety of sweets, chocolates, fudges, and candies, made with natural ingredients and traditional recipes. You can watch the candy makers at work, sample some of the treats and buy some souvenirs for yourself or your loved ones.

If you are looking for bargains, you can check out the outlets in Southland Region. One of the best outlets is Dress Smart Hornby in Christchurch, which is about four hours drive from Invercargill. Dress Smart Hornby offers discounts on clothing, footwear, accessories and more. You can find everything from casual wear to formal wear, from sports gear to fashion accessories, at Dress Smart Hornby.

Southland Markets and Specialty Shops

If you prefer a more local and authentic shopping experience, you can explore the various markets and specialty shops in Southland Region. One of the most popular markets is the Southern Farmers Market in Invercargill, which is held every Sunday morning at Surrey Park. You can buy fresh produce, baked goods, cheese, meat, honey, and more from local farmers and vendors. You can also enjoy live music, coffee, and delicious food while browsing through the stalls. Another market worth visiting is the Lyttelton Farmers Market in Christchurch, which is held every Saturday morning at London Street. You can buy organic fruit and vegetables, bread, eggs, flowers and crafts from local producers and artisans.

If you are looking for unique gifts and souvenirs, you can visit some of the specialty shops in Southland Region. You can also visit Te Ana Māori Rock Art in Timaru, which showcases the ancient rock art of the Māori people. You can learn about the history and culture of the Māori people through guided tours and interactive displays. You can also buy copies of the rock art to take home as a souvenir. Shopping in Southland Region is a fun and rewarding activity that will allow you to discover the diversity and beauty of this region. Whether you are looking for big brands or small businesses, modern malls or traditional markets, you will find something to satisfy your shopping needs in Southland Region.

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